Valomnia for FMCG Manufacturers

  • Valomnia helps you leverage an intelligent DSD model and Supply retailers Directly
  • The solution helps you reduce intermediary costs and eliminate Out of Date and Out of stock issues
  • With Valomnia Reduce order to cash Time and optimize your vansellers’ routes and delivery planning
  • Valomnia helps you to be part of the disruption and to respond more decisively to market changes.

Sell and Deliver Directly to Retailers

Valomnia DSD allows your Van Sellers to perform sales and deliveries tasks simultaneously and therefore reduce to zero the order to delivery time

Manage Stock in Real Time on Your Trucks and Warehouses

Valomnia offers in time visibility over stock movements, loading and unloading operations and real-time inventory status in your trucks & warehouses

Manage Pre-Orders, Orders & Invoices Effectively

With Valomnia, you can access information related to orders and pre-orders with the possibility to filter results easily using the different attributes (payment method and status, delivery status, amount of the order, etc.), then create the invoices. The solution allows your sales reps and van-sellers to generate orders, pre-orders and invoices via their mobile devices even in off-line mode, to communicate it to the customer afterwards, once on-line.

Improve Vansellers’ Productivity in the Field

Control your van-sellers and sales reps performance by receiving check in and check out notifications, setting sales and delivery objectives and comparing realisations against expectations through different KPIs.
Valomnia allows you to manage and analyse reasons behind incomplete tasks by your men in the field (non taken orders, returns, etc)

Routes & Visits Planning

With valomnia you can optimize your van-sellers’ routes and plan their visits. Valomnia allows you to arrange your clients by routes and to schedule teams in the field’s daily plan, specifying the clients number and the visits order they should follow per route, per employee.

Valomnia helps you track employees’ progression and communicate with them in real-time through notifications.


Get control over Merchandising and Perform Customer Satifaction Surveys

With Valomnia your merchandisers can send visit reports and customer satisfaction surveys directly from the mobile device. They can also report key marketing information through configurable questionnaires and perform audits on products planograms and POS advertising.

Exchange data easily between your ERP and Valomnia’s Products

You have a lot of data to manage?

You use an information system and you are looking for a solution to interface between Valomnia apps and your business management software?

We offer you suitable connectors for your ERP and/or CRM, so you can automatically synchronize your deliveries, products, inventory and promotional offers on Valomnia with your enterprise data.

Valomnia is pre-integrated with the market leading ERP solutions: EBP, SAP, Sage, Oracle, etc.

Case Studies

AB InBev: 1st Brewer in the world

Based in Leuven, Belgium, Anheuser-Busch InBevis a publicly listed company with the American Depositary Receipts in New York Stock Exchange.

AB InBev is the first world brewer and is ranked in the world top 5 consumer goods companies with a wide brands portfolio.

Given its important presence in the international market (selling in 110 countries and operating in 25 others), ABInBev needed to improve its IS and to adopt an innovative technology based solution.

Moulin d’Or
Agri-food Products, Confectionary, Chocolate & Pastry Manufacturer

“Moulin d’or”, is the major player in the packaged pastry industry in Tunisia with a turnover of around 1 800 000 DT.

Founded in 1990, Moulin d’or is a brand of the group Gepaco SA, an agri-food products manufacturer.

Moulin D’or  27 products are sold through independent van-sellers network, who distribute the products to more than 10000 POS in Tunisia. Such complicated situation had led to a lack of visibility over the presence of the products in the market.

  • Were are the products sold?
  • In which POS ?
  • How are they sold?

So many unanswered questions due to the lack of control over distribution processes.

Moulin d’Or is now using Valomnia solution and has equipped its van sellers with Valomnia DSD mobile application.

  • Track products from picking and packing to delivery in POS
  • POS geolocation with GPS through check-in and check-out features.
  • Save all orders intakes made in each POS.